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Slow Speed Practice
August 2 @ 6:00 pm CDT
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Slow Speed Practice brought to you by the Ozark Mountain Harley Owners Group.
The Ozark Mountain Harley Owners Group will be having three slow speed practice sessions in the month of August.
The first practice session will be this Friday 2. We will continue to work on slow speed control, making square corners, turning from a stop, straight line cone weave, offset cone weave and begin the process of doing u-turns. If you have trouble maneuvering your bike in a parking lot this practice should be of help to you.
The second practice session will be Friday 23. This should be a good tune-up for the share the road motorcycle coarse that is put on by the Springfield police department on the 24th. One of the groups concerns about the share the road coarse is the intersection pattern. So that will be the focus for the evening.
The third practice session will be Friday 30. We will continue practicing on the above mentioned skills and start working on figure eights.
What you can expect out of this practice is a better ability to control your bike.
Meet in the upper parking lot of Renegade Harley Davidson at 6pm. Please wear a helmet, gloves and boots that support your ankles. Bring water.
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