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Infuego – The Hottest Place to Party
August 21 @ 10:00 am - August 25 @ 10:00 am CDT
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This is an 18+ adult only event.
We will have live bands, fun bike games, crazy contests, and bike rides.
Entertainment includes:
Hollywood Knockouts oil and cream wrestling
Motley Crue tribute band
Fire Dancers, Bike games, & much much more!
Tent camping is free!
Motorcycles are free!
Truck/Car $50
Trailer/Camper $50
Self Driven RV $100
Golf Carts $40
Rental golf carts are available
Wristbands are $70 at the gate or $55 online
VIP Gold spots in front of the main stage with power/water are 25’x50′ $350
VIP Silver spots in front of the main stage with NO power/water are 25’x50′ $200
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